International Headliner: Kat Nip (Poland)

Date: 2022年 12月 3日
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Time: 21:00 (1時30分間)
Kat Nip is a Polish stand-up comedian based in Berlin. She performed all over the world; Cape Town, London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Vienna and Bangkok to name a city or two.
Kat’s been called a ‘Polish Joan Rivers’, ‘joke kalashnikov’ and ‘my favourite’ and no, not by her mum. Her energetic, fast-paced storytelling is jam-packed with unexpected punchlines, brutal honesty and a sprinkle of Eastern European pizzazz.
Buckle up, it's a rollercoaster!Winner of the Comedy Store London King Gong in 2022 and double winner of Blackout at Up the Creek Comedy Club in 2021. She wrote for and acted in Comedy Central PL “Mini-Mocks” series in 2022 & 2023.
She will be headlining (20 mins) our mixed-bill Weekend comedy show on Saturday 3rd (7pm) plus performing her solo show 'Liability' at 9:00 that same evening.